
Earn a living where your heart is

See why a CAREER with a Community Health Center is different.

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largest network of primary care jobs in Pennsylvania.

With hundreds of leading healthcare employers across the state in one location, we offer the largest database of job opportunities for healthcare professionals in PA, connecting you with a premier network of mission-focused health centers.

Woman typing on laptop

Find a career that loves you back

Community Health Centers provide an opportunity to make a difference. See how a job that loves you back makes a world of difference in your life and the lives of others.

Health care professional smiling

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Why work in Pennsylvania?

Working with the underserved

Apply for NHSC Loan repayment

Group of 4 doctors

Let us help you find a career you love

Looking for a new healthcare career and trying to connect to learn more? Our team is here to assist you. Fill out our Interest Form below and our team will connect with you right away to offer assistance.